Meet Your New Trainer… Janie


This is Janie Miller Crowl. She is the best. She runs a lot. And Sing a lot or mumbles out loud while she’s doing it.

She has been to so many schools that her run training knowledge is only surpassed by Einstein’s knowledge of the theory of relativity. Or maybe the winner of Jeopardy?

Born at night – but not last night, Janie has built a solid career in scholarly information ingestion and retention. If there was a doctorate degree in knowing how to put on foot in front of the other, she would have the illustrious Phd in front of her name. But that might actually be a problem because Janie doesn’t like labels.

She is the truely independant woman who loves to be around people..


For her entire life, Janie has aspired to be the Ninja warrior of trainers. and she has achieved goal. Some call her Yoda, and other have likened her to the Dali Lama of run training. Even the trainer who trained her now calls her for consultation with difficult cases.