Enter the song information in the form below.

What is the song title?

Who is the Author?

What is the time signature?


How many measures in this section?


    This web app is an Alpha test. Unexpected results may occur.
  1. Click on the blue "New Song" button up top. (clears the song sheet)
  2. Enter the song chart title. (Can not be modified after any parts have been added)
  3. Enter the Author's name. (Can not be modified after any parts have been added)
  4. Pick a time signature. (Can be modified during part adding)
  5. Choose or enter a number of measure in the current part. Depending on screen size, 8 measures is max for best look
  6. Click the golden "Add Part" button.
  7. You will be asked to enter a name for the current song part. (Can not be modified after the part has been added)
  8. If the part should repeat, click ok when prompted. If the part does not repeat, click the "Cancel" button (Can not be modified after the part has been added)
  9. Each measure is divided in editable quarter notes
  10. Click on the quarter note that represents where you'd like your chord to be placed in that measure.
  11. Enter the chord. You can use up to 4 spaces.
  12. To add more parts, repeat from step 5
  13. You can only add up to 10 parts in any chart.

Some Song Title